Contact Us:

63 Flushing Avenue • Building 3 • Suite 602
Brooklyn, NY, 11205
United States

(212) 226-0573

Dieu Donné is a leading non-profit cultural institution dedicated to serving established and emerging artists through the collaborative creation of contemporary art using the process of hand papermaking.


Virtual Education

Online Public Programs

Dieu Donné offers educational webinars, artist talks, and panel discussions that explore the art of hand papermaking and the collaborative artistic process. Open to a global virtual audience, these programs provide insight into the craft and the collaborative artistic process.

Video recordings of past webinars are available on Dieu Donné’s YouTube Channel.

Our online public programs are made possible in part with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, and generous foundation and individual support.

Upcoming Online Events

witness marks: Exhibition Talk with SR Lejeune

Wednesday, April 16 · 6:30 - 7:30pm EDT

SR Lejeune working in Dieu Donné's studio during their fellowship.

SR Lejeune’s artistic practice spans multiple disciplines, holding craft as a way of seeing and an approach to utility as both possibility and limitation. Sensitive to the relationships between fiction and function, invisibility and legibility, and hand and industry, SR creates perpetual prototypes of trans corporeality. Their sculptures utilize materiality to disrupt false binaries and embrace unfixed form.

In this artist talk, SR will share artworks made during their West Bay View Foundation fellowship at Dieu Donné influenced by the accumulated imprints of time on city sidewalks.

Their cumulative fellowship exhibition, witness marks, will be on view at Dieu Donné. An opening reception will be held Monday, March 31, 5:30 - 7:00 pm at Dieu Donné.


SR Lejeune (b. 1994, Boston, MA) is an artist currently based in Pine Plains, NY. They received a BA with High Honors from Oberlin College (2015), were a Core Fellow at the Penland School of Craft (2017-19) and hold an MFA in Sculpture from the Yale School of Art (2023). They were the Books and Paper Studio Coordinator at the Penland School of Craft from 2018 to 2021, and have taught workshops at Penland and Women's Studio Workshop. SR was the 2023 West Bay View Foundation Fellow at Dieu Donné, a 2024 Helene Wurlitzer Foundation Fellow, and a resident artist at Women’s Studio Workshop in 2025. Recent solo exhibitions include “sky light” at CHAMBER lower_cavity (Holyoke, MA) and “witness mark” at Dieu Donné Jordan Schnitzer Gallery (Brooklyn, NY). They are currently building out a manual machine shop in upstate New York.

Stay tuned via our newsletter or Instagram for the latest updates!

Past Online Events + Workshops

Video recordings of past webinars are available on Dieu Donné’s YouTube Channel.

Global Perspectives in Hand Papermaking (2021)

“Global Perspectives in Hand Papermaking” was a virtual lecture series featuring papermakers from around the world. The series explored both historic and contemporary approaches to papermaking through talks by individuals with expertise in papermaking in Japan, Korea, India, Chile, and Spain. Among the topics discussed were traditional fibers, tools, and papermaking techniques, as well as contemporary trends in production papermaking and artistic experimentation.

Special thanks to the Windgate Foundation for their generous support for Global Perspectives in Hand Papermaking.

Past online lectures can be viewed here, with closed captioning available for each.

Remote & Online Learning

Papermaking lectures are available by our Professional studio staff for a small fee. Our staff works with each instructor directly to gear the presentation and talk to their particular interests.

Various pricing options are available, with lengths of lectures varying from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. Remote lectures can be done by Zoom or other preferred group video call platforms.

To schedule a class, please email